Pierrepont School is a small, independent, co-educational elementary and high school based in Westport, Connecticut. Founded in 1999, the school moved into its current building on Sylvan Road in the fall of 2002. The school enrolls students from kindergarten through high school ages.
The faculty currently consists of thirty-one full and part-time teachers, offering a student to faculty ratio of less than three to one. Classes, therefore, are small, and student schedules are individualized. Senior faculty members typically have post-graduate degrees from leading universities and are professionally active in their fields. The school seeks and supports teachers who bring into the classroom the same passion and rigor they bring to the study of their own discipline.
Pierrepont seeks students who are academically motivated and engaged and who can participate successfully in a demanding curriculum. Chronological age serves as a tentative guide for placement that is answerable to the variegations in academic skills, needs and maturity among children. The schedule allows for individualized placement as students are departmentalized from the earliest ages. As a result, even the youngest students have classes with teachers who are specialists in their disciplines, although they also spend significant time in a homeroom under the care of a master teacher and an associate teacher.